OCENET monthly Newsletter "Happenings."

OCENET Keeps Students Informed with Monthly “Happenings.” Newsletter
Posted on 05/17/2024

During the Covid pandemic, OCENET launched a colourful new newsletter for international students and visiting international teachers to let them know about interesting things to do around the Ottawa area that are accessible and generally inexpensive or free. Every issue of happenings. includes a wide variety of activities that appeals to many interests.

The newsletter also provides information about what to expect at school every month and explains many common Canadian cultural traditions and customs.

Here are images from the January 2024 edition of the happenings. newsletter. Each issue of the newsletter always contains two pages full of information of interest to international students and visiting educators. A pdf version of happenings. is distributed at the end of each month throughout the school year to help readers plan for activities they may want to participate in during the upcoming month. Feedback from students and teachers has been very positive.

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