The Lynch-Getty Award

The Lynch-Getty Award recognizes global citizenship


Student Xiang Li is presented with the Lynch-Getty Award by OCENET Executive Director Geoff Best at the Glebe CI commencement ceremony in June




Earl of March SS student Kareem Ibrahim receives the Lynch-Getty Award from Mrs. Rita Getty
-photo courtesy of Mr. Brent Darbyson



 The Lynch-Getty Award honours the legacy of Alex Getty (former trustee of the OCDSB and OCENET board member) and Ron Lynch (former Director of Education and OCENET board member) who both believed strongly in fostering the principles of global citizenship. The award recognizes students who value the importance of creating a world where people strive to understand and help others near and far.

The Lynch-Getty Award is presented to four graduating students annually to acknowledge their significant contributions to their community through active involvement in groups, events and activities that promote cross-cultural understanding. Two of the award recipients are international students who are attending OCDSB schools through the Ottawa Carleton Education Network. The awards are presented at commencement ceremonies in June. Each award recipient receives a certificate along with $1,000 towards supporting post-secondary studies. More information on the Lynch-Getty Award can be found at

OCENET is proud to recognize the commitment and applauds the success of the following Lynch-Getty Award recipients for 2012:

  • Miss Xiang Li is a Glebe CI graduate who will be attending the University of Toronto to pursue a degree in Engineering.

  • Ms. Joaquina Larves will be attending the University of Ottawa for a degree in Public Administration and is a graduate of Adult HS.

  • Mr. Eric Kabasele attended Rideau HS and and will be a degree majoring in Criminology at the University of Ottawa.
  • Mr. Kareem Essam Ibrahim, an Earl of March SS graduate, will be going to McGill University to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.

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