Bursaries & Awards

International Education Bursary - for OCDSB Employees

OCENET is pleased to announce its International Education Bursary for OCDSB employees - one of two bursaries OCENET's Board of Directors piloted during the 2014-2015 school year. This bursary is meant to support and encourage OCDSB staff members in their pursuit of professional development in the area(s) of cultural proficiency, global competency, and global citizenship initiatives. Bursaries are available in the following amounts: $500.00 or $1000.00. More details

OCDSB/OCENET International Study Abroad Bursary - For Students

When a student has committed to extending their learning through an international experience but their family can’t afford to unlock the opportunity, they can reach out to the Education Foundation of Ottawa for support. We grant bursaries of $250 to $1,000 to assist you with your International Study Abroad opportunity. More details

Lynch-Getty Global Student Award

The Lynch-Getty award will be presented to four students each year attending school in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board – this award is intended for both Canadian residents as well as international fee-paying students within the OCDSB. The students will have demonstrated leadership in their community and involvement in groups, events and activities that foster cross cultural learning and understanding in school and in the community. Participation in international exchange programs, intercultural clubs, international volunteer programs, peer tutoring, student organizations, charity groups, and community associations are some activities that would help to support an application for the award. More details

Other Scholarships for International and Canadian Students

There are a number of scholarships offered by Canadian post-secondary institutions to both international and Canadian students. More details