Student Exchanges - Individual

Ottawa-Carleton Education Network (OCENET) believes in the importance of exchange programs for both students and teachers.

The duration of most short-term exchange programs is two or three months. They are usually intended for secondary school students, often in the Grade 10 or Grade 11 academic year. Students who participate in a reciprocal exchange program generally welcome their exchange partner from overseas in autumn and then go overseas themselves in the spring. There are variations.

The following are exchange organizations that are recognized by the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Students are contemplating an exchange are encouraged to communicate with their guidance counselor to make plans for being involved.

NOTE: Neither Ottawa-Carleton Education Network (OCENET) nor the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is responsible for the content of listed web sites or the actions or policies of their publishers. Listing on this page does not imply endorsement, recognition and approval of the sites or their owners. Students and teachers are cautioned to ask for and check references for any opportunities or programs.

Due to evolving and changing travel and health guidelines due to Covid, students and families should know that exchanges may need to be paused or cancelled at short notice.

For more information about this exchange, please contact Mr. Sean Oussoren, International Education Coordinator, at 613-239-0314, Ext. 2108.